2022-07-10 16:34
ODAIMOKU Arigato gozaimasu
Firstly Thank you for your speedy reply on notifying me of the well being and health of Ms Teruko Yamamoto , how Her surgery has gone to present , even more wonderful news that she did not require to stay for a long in the ICU ward of the hospital. she is surrounded by the power of love support power of Namu myo ho ren ge kyo this is a truly amazing miracle to be on general ward so fast from such a big surgery , this makes my heart full and brings hope not just for me but for so many others …I chant every day and have include in my odaimoku her continuing strength to return to full health .. I have held her in my thoughts and since your first personal contact email to explain to me of your knowledge of my story from my very special new friend , sister and mentor Kaori Akari , and that you was including me into the Jo -Gyo you was marking for Ms Yamamoto . I thought of her all day Monday 4th July holding her hand in mine whilst knowing she would be with the brain surgeon..
I had started to feel a very strong overwhelming shift in my thoughts over the past few month’s and felt this strong need to send a photograph to my very old friend Maysayo Yasuki ( maysayo was my first friend I made when I moved to Australia over 23 years ago , I was truly blessed to have such a beautiful friend we shared so many wonderful memories i, it was wonderful to watch so many beautiful things grow including our children and our friendship blossom.) Our work , moving homes etc took us down different paths , however we still remained in touch .
I Think the image photograph I sent to maysayo way more powerful and spoke words I didn’t need to say than I actually knew . Maysayo came to visit me the very next day , which only made me smile, my special friend Maysayo YASUKI came back into my life but i felt on a deeper level , a clear understanding of each other , which we both felt . what truly was important in the here and know , the present moment something amazing , beautiful was happening , we have been friends for over 20 years , life had taken us in different directions , and of course both our health conditions and life had taken us down paths we hadn’t expected to to be on or to deal it .
Mind you this path had taught us both many lessons in life about our selves and others . , however through connection of love and friendship Masayo came to visit me , told me a story about her changes in her life , her lung condition, health ,family ,friends , and business, how life had changed in a positive way , how she had been lead to meet KAORI AKARI , whilst reserving a healing treatment of reflexology , I understand the story of Buddhism and Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo and stories shared between them , lead Buddha to Maysayo through our beautiful Mentor Kaori Akari , a women of such amazing calm , love and giving of time and self to others. A women I am now so grateful to be able to call my friend , I truly believe I was supposed to meet kaori at this time , a gift I had been searching for with out knowing until I knew .
MAYSAYO told me her story , (I could already see a much softer bright eyed calmer version , beautiful truly , and see her blossoming daily, with her words of encouragement, when she has own life concerns , So so beautiful to watch , maysayo asked me if she could include me in her chant she wanted to help me too . Well of course I was more than happy for any extra ,love and support and I was at such a truly stuck at a tough crossroad, the path I was on getting darker and I was splitting in different directions of dark and light , my body on the journey I felt I was going down a dark rabbit hole and needed to find my way back to me.
I wanted to learn more of this new energy , lift, empowerment, knowledge calmness ,focus , clarity, I had and was searching something I knew I could feel in my mind body spirit soul , but wasn’t so my sure for what , I knew like most things time and patience will give direction or answers, the signs are there if you choose to see them and how we interpret them
.. I too was stuck in this state of searching for something but I was unsure what it was , I have always tried to practice mindfulness and lots of different techniques whilst trying to battle so many health diagnosis in the last 4 years , however for me the last 6 months ( or first 6 months of 2022) have been increasing in awful symptoms and extremely toxic treatments, I was lost in pure darkness of pain and sadness of my many diagnosis and have not been dealing with acceptance of so many health problems.. a very massive road block .
I have always believed in signs and things come to us at the right time for right reasons , which leads me to KAORI ARARI , MAYSAYO YASUKI . WHICH LEADS ME TO YOU
.. all amazing gifts brought to me when I was needing them most .
After her visit, maysayo returned the very next day to my home , she prayed at my house , it was extremely powerful and emotional, emotional for both of us , I was wanting more knowledge to know more ,and understand more of what this I was , I was feeling , experiencing and felt this internal small shift , perhaps I could call it like an awakening , considering my brain had been in state of fitting for over 2 years, the fact I noticed anything was a miracle . However I believe my reconnection with Buddhism (Buddha Buddhism the lotus sutra Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo ) was what I had been searching for .
I believe it wasn’t until I was seen , did I see ……
Maysayo and I talked more over the next few weeks and like the maysayo I remembered, compassion for others organised for me to have a meeting with Kaori AKari at her home . I was invited to meet with Kaori a few days after with maysayo , like a true friend she came to my home collected me wrapped me up in blankets to makes sure I was safe warm and comfortable for the car ride along my walking wheelie walker Wanda and my walking sticks.On arrival at Kaori’s home I felt an instant warmth like I had been placed inside a safe bubble by two women who held space for me like no other in such a long time , Kaori instantly made sure I was comfortable,warm, and at ease , we talked about Buddhism, we talked about many things , then Kaori lead us into pray , we prayed , I prayed I listened carefully to Japanese words , which Kaori also took time after to explain and print out copy for me in English, wow already Kaori showing how much love and care is in her heart , such a beautiful soul shines through her eyes . From that very day that very meeting with Kaori and maysayo both by my side walking and supporting me , my life’s path had changed in the correct direction , I left not only with the love of two amazing women but I left with a new companion to walk this path Buddha . . The path that leads me back to my soul ..This journey for me , I feel is to explain almost like an onion with many layers or a tree with many rings of change , each year , each moment , is a layer , I peel it back to release , and let go , to move forward with a new brighter fuller hopeful heart . Today Is my birthday , 52 years I have lapped this lifetime , wow so many experiences, memories, journeys all making me become who I truly have alway been but now understanding on a different level , this comes with time, life lessons, and experiences, we must experience the rough with the smooth , and , I am understanding myself more each layer I pull back, as each life truly is a journey.I have so many stories I need to share with you , including my day after the beautiful extremely powerful Jo-Gyo held last Saturday for 3hrs . The very next day for the first time in over 2 years I had the need to go and play in the mud , in the garden I wanted to put my hands in the earth , to be at one with the plants the roots, I was making a special gift for Kaori and maysayo from my garden , but why did I choose to go outside and play in the mud, I hadn’t done any gardening in so long , I sat doing this on my walking aid which has a chair I call Wanda , the light is always to bright for my sentive brain and my body energy is to always to low ,, but things felt different I wanted and needed to play to loose myself in my nature, my garden , my home, myself ,my mind , no constant noise ,my hands felt so good , brown muddy soil under my fingernails, worms wiggling In the garden , birds singing m kookaburras laughing , I saw them all with bright eyes, everything seemed clearer, then it made me think Of the lotus flower , the lotus sutra , and how it grows and struggles to come through the mud.. I knew from that moment I have learnt many things but this was clarity I was connecting back to myself .I chant every day for myself and for others , I feel myself grow . I explain it like this it’s like planting a new seed, I must prepare the soil , plant it correctly with intentions of amazing growth, to water the seed, talk to the seed, feed the seed , be gentle and kind to the soil that holds the seed,love the seed , so the seed can develop strong and powerful roots ,to be able to hold its own ground as it grows , it’s most import that the roots are the strongest , so it takes time for this with the strongest of roots the seed I plant can withstand the strongest storms and to become my beautiful flower of all. Thank you for all you blessings, for your gift of being , for guidance in you knowledge, I struggle that I do not spoke Japanese language, but I do understand in my hearts and mind what you say, I am learning , I am forever grateful I look forward to my continued journey and sharing it with you and introducing the power of chanting to so many more Buddhism is so beautiful
, I want to share with so many how much I feel through this new connection .. my heart to this new gift and way of life it is truly beautiful Kelly san .
Gorikan with Kelly