Arigato gozaimsu!
Today I conducted Gohoko as the HBS Ambassador at Nippuji temple in Osaka. I stayed there last night and enjoyed a homemade dinner by Odoshi and Okusama with other members of Nippuji temple family. It has been two years since my last visit. I first came to Nippuji nearly a decade ago when I was a student at HBS Education Institute. It was a great pleasure to comeback to Nippuji temple again for this Gohoko.
Today I participated in the morning chanting at Nippuji temple. From 10.00am I conducted an Ambassador session for a joint-Oko meeting of Kid’s, Youth, Ladies’ & Gents’ gatherings. Lunch with the participants was a good opportunity for me to share experiences and to interact with members. I was glad to befriend the Kids at Nippuji and plant some Sunflower seeds for the coming summer. Now I am onboard a bullet train to Hakata city for tomorrow’s programme.