2018-01-13 12:25
Hokekyo no Shinji gataki mo Kotowari ya Hotoke no yo sura Gosen taiseki
Day 8.
On the surface, it means "It's true that it's difficult to believe the Lotus Sutra because, even when Gautama Buddha preached the truth of it, five thousands of people left their seats".
Historically, it's true story that five tousands of people left their seats. The same thing happened in Japan in the period of Nichiren Shounin, Nichiryu Shounin and Nissen Shounin.
It seems that, for common mortal people like us, it's difficult to belive obediently or accept and it's easy to repel or oppose Odaimoku. For us like people in Mappo Period, in order to belive it, there is nothing but showing Go-Riyaku of Gensho (Reference Day 1. There is explanation of Gensho and Riyaku).
Faith is the heart getting people to understand, so the monks from Gautama Buddha down suggest strongly what we should do and what we forbid to do. Because to promise them is a shoter route to be happy.
So, to get Go-Riyaku of Gensho, accept simply what he suggest to do and not to do!